Saturday, October 18, 2014

Reviving my involvement.....

Although my 2004 move to the United States brought me closer to the pro wrestling scene, the lack of abundance of indy groups in north-east Ohio and north-west Indiana - where I was originally located - meant that once again I had little opportunity to be an active participant.

At the end of 2012 however, I moved south to Kentucky. Most of 2013 was spent establishing a new life (including a regular income), but in 2014, a July visit to Ashland to see my old friend Bobby Blaze started the ball rolling again.

He took me to two shows that he was involved in over the July 4 holiday weekend, and we talked. I returned to Ashland in October and we went to another show and talked some more.

The October show saw me help out as time-keeper. While yes, it is a job that is a vital part of the show, I'm reluctant to say that I "worked" the show, given this role. Although as I said to Bobby after the show was over "If you'd told me back in the 1980s and 1990s that one day I would be 'working' on shows in the United States alongside big names such as Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, Jimmy Valiant and Tracy Smothers, I probably wouldn't have believed you."

I'm not where I want to be with it all yet, but I've certainly covered a lot of ground since those teenage years spent watching "On The Mat" on television back in New Zealand. And I've had some great adventures, and met a lot of fantastic people along the way.

(Pictured above: Tracy Smothers, Bobby Blaze, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson used the occasion of their reappearance together on the Oct. 11 card in Wayne, WV to recreate a special group photo taken some years previously, when all four worked for Smoky Mountain Wrestling. They were kind enough to autograph a copy of the original for me, and let me take the "present day" photo).

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